Ada Hechavarria

I have a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Havana, Cuba where I worked for 26 years until I resigned and left the country. I had no hope that I would ever use my diploma. Fortunately for me, this did not occur. The Early Learning program has provided me with...

Lissette Hernandez

All the experiences I have encountered in my coursework, made possible through the Early Learning Career Center, have been excellent. Not only have the courses helped me to be a better teacher but I also learned much more. Taking online classes and using the computer to present projects have been...

Margarita Perdigon

I feel very happy to have received a scholarship from the Early Learning Career Center and complete my coursework in early childhood. I have incorporated my new understandings by expanding and implementing teaching strategies with the children in my classroom. This class has provided opportunities to interact with teachers from...

Lisette Santos

I began my career in child care as a floater and then became a teacher's assistant. Because of help from the Early Learning Career Center, I am now a lead teacher. The program has helped me gain knowledge and also awakened my creativity that has served as a tool for...

The Children’s Forum no longer administers the Early Learning Career Center. 

Please click here for a letter from The Children’s Trust regarding their new
professional development system, ElevatEd.

Early learning educators interested in other scholarship opportunities may visit T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Scholarship Program at for more information.

Thank you.